Thursday, June 30, 2011

My First Adventure: The Royalton Ravine

Location: Gasport Road, Gasport, NY

Activities: Picnics, Nature Trails

Cost: FREE

Website: Click here

For my first adventure I selected the Royalton Ravine.  Why?  Because I had never been there before, and it had a nice sign.  From the road it didn't look very promising.  Thankfully, I was wrong.  As soon as you get past the parking area you are in for a surprise.  You find two things: the color green, and blue in a variety of shades. It all blends together wondrously, like a painting by Van Gogh. 

For my adventure I needed two essentials:
              Water, Banana

 Purpose: Water makes you, um, hydrated.
               Banana's are fun to carry on adventures.

 A lovely pavilion with graffiti garbage cans. Similar to the tree we discovered not soon after which said "OJ."  I had a strange craving for orange juice for a few hours after seeing that.

It's a lake. What do you people want me to say? Well, it is actually kinda pretty. It's got, um water. And dirt....yes, dirt....very interesting stuff......oh wait, yea! I found a poor decapitated snake next to it! Ewwww......enjoy, for all those little ants eating its guts.
 What am I doing? Oh yea, I'm doing a cheer for the YMCA..... this spot was a little confusing for me. When you stand far away, and walk up to it, it looks like a giant painting, nothing moving. Nothing slowly appearing bigger. So you have to run to it, as fast as your limbs can carry you, on hand or feet.

 Looks like a tough job....good thing you called the Special Elijah Services.

Actually, I am looking into the ravine and it's a really steep drop.

Know your trails! We're on the yellow paper with a nail through it trail, duh. (I'm just kidding guys, we're on the tree trail.)
 Keep an eye out for this mud. Why I'm saying "this," I don't know. Mud is like a terrible disease that has infected the poor Royalton Ravine. Be careful, slips, falls, and even sudden sinking about 4 inches may occur. Ask your doctor if mud is right for you.

Watch your step! Some steps have tree roots in weird shapes at the bottom of them. I almost tripped about 3 times.

Many obstacles may block your trail.

Problem: tree.
Solution: climb over!

The long and shaky suspension bridge, hovering over the calm waters of the creek. Be careful stepping, one wrong move and the entire bridge swings you and everyone else on it!

 Why won't you listen? Know your trails! (It's actually pretty hard to forget them, every 20 ft. has another marker.)
 As mentioned before, many obstacles block your path. There is a nice little log here to gap the mud, but other puddles may not give you as much luck. (PS: those with white sneakers, be warned.)

Some type of old cobblestone building. It looked very neat, until we stumbled upon a room in the back with graffiti all over the walls. Those little whipper-snappers...

At the end of the Blue trail you will find a really nice waterfall.  This picture is taken at the top before it drops off at a steep angle.  I wanted to get into the water because it's so shallow but I worried I might slip.  Also, rocks are sharp and I could possibly sever my thumb off.

This is the waterfall, but it's hard to see it with the trees growing around.  I had to get this picture from another website but trust me, it's a nice waterfall. 

Overall, the Royalton Ravine is a wonderful place to visit. You can make new friends, and discover stuff. I found a new friend, Hunter, and I found a lovely garden snake (not the dead one) on my first adventure.
                                                                           Will you?

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